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 Debbie Von Behren is co-founder and principle program designer of VBA Consulting Group, Inc. She is a nationally known expert in organizational and workforce development. She has led many highly successful large-scale strategic planning, change initiatives, organizational development and corporate training projects for public and private sector clients.  

Debbie has worked nationally and internationally for clients such as Hewlett-Packard where she was responsible for change management and training in the re-alignment of HP’s purchasing organization from decentralized units to one global function. She developed a cascading sponsorship and messaging process, new position descriptions and department infrastructure to support the successful transition of the workforce into an e-business culture. She facilitated global strategic sourcing summits as part of the project that resulted in significant savings to Hewlett-Packard. 

Debbie served as the lead instructional designer working with Dell Computer Corporation to develop a week–long new manager on-boarding training process that is required for all Dell people managers in locations around the world. She also designed a leadership course, “Maximizing Team Performance” that is currently being deployed globally to Dell people managers worldwide. Debbie has been involved in multiple design and delivery projects for Dell including key training components for Michael Dell’s 2004 leadership imperative initiative.  

Debbie, partnering with the City of Coral Springs, developed a customer service improvement process and quality measurement system for the City. She designed training and reinforcement systems to support the project that resulted in the City being the first municipal government to receive a Malcolm Baldridge based quality award – the Governor’s Sterling Award. 

In addition, she was the project manager for the Governor’s (Florida) Eco Heritage Tourism Committee where she coordinated and facilitated the development of a statewide plan to promote and protect Florida’s natural, coastal, cultural and historical resources. The project required working with multiple stakeholder groups and resulted in a plan that was approved and funded by the Legislature.  

Debbie also served as project manager for the City of Tallahassee’s multi-year quality improvement initiative that included organizational assessment, partnering with City staff to develop an improvement strategy, instructional design of custom quality and customer service training, process improvement projects and development of a robust measurement system. To the organization’s credit, The City was subsequently recognized one of America’s best cities. 

Debbie worked closely with the Walton County, Florida Tourism Development Council and was responsible for initiating and designing a strategic planning process that has resulted in continual year over year increases in tourism, bed tax collection and destination development. She continues there in her responsibilities to conduct annual assessments, develop a strategic plan approach, develop balanced scorecards and conduct a strategic planning workshop. 

She worked with the Florida Division of State Parks, partnering with the Director to develop a strategic planning approach for the division and conducted multi-year strategic plan workshops with representatives from all regions. Because of the quality of Florida’s park system the Director was subsequently appointed by the President of the United States to be the Director of the National Park Service.