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"Large Enough To Serve You, Small Enough To Hear You"

John Curtis is a senior consultant, researcher, organizational development specialist, and business trainer. His experience spans 25 years and involves leading and managing comprehensive organizational development projects for hundreds of organizations nationwide in the public, private and non-profit sectors. John developed and successfully implemented one of the first recognized, non-manufacturing based, continuous quality improvement systems designed exclusively for the healthcare field. 

He designed the process improvement organizational development initiative for the internal customers of the Information Systems Department of Florida’s 10th largest hospital. John successfully implemented a quality services system for Quest, Inc. resulting in national certification for one of Florida’s largest providers of health care services to the developmentally disabled.  He is a multi-year presenter on leadership development at the Florida Governor’s Sterling Quality Conference. 

John has a strong research background incorporating proven quantitative and qualitative methodology based on an academic foundation. He has extensive experience as the project manager for a wide variety of studies that reveal key information that organizations use to make data-driven decisions and establish measurable outcomes. He specializes in developing customized survey instruments, and conducting interviews and focus groups with a wide variety of constituents critical to successful planning initiatives. 

As an experienced leader of numerous assessment and planning projects, he is able to create a positive climate conducive to productive working relationships. He brings to organizations a unique perspective on the way people process information, solve problems, plan, gain commitment, and manage change. He also helps to create systems within organizations that ensure accountability and enhanced organizational focus, direction and performance. 

John has extensive academic teaching experience as an adjunct faculty member at Rollins College, University of Central Florida, University of West Florida, St. Joseph's University, Columbia College, Valencia, Seminole and Brevard Community Colleges that includes teaching a wide variety of courses in the field of organizational development, behavioral psychology, ethics, and bureaucratic behavior. 

He is sought after as consultant, project manager, trainer and speaker nationwide and frequently talks on topics such as leadership development, strategic planning and quality improvement. 

Since 1998, John broadcasts on National Public Radio, “Quality Moments,” a radio business commentary of all aspects of business and workforce productivity.